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  • our doctors say add SALT. we insist…

    We were inspired by the color tones and premium quality of this independent frame company. The Weatherford Eyecare Center is the first in Western Oklahoma to bring it to you. Come view our optical gallery and let our eye ninjas customize your new style this spring. Enjoy some SALT.

    Continue Reading February 18, 2015

  • We Love Eyes – Valentine Gifts!

    Valentine Sunwear – 20-50% Off We love eyes and our family of patients! Send the gift of style and fashion to your loved one for Valentine’s Day.  Save 20-50% on designer sunwear like Gucci, Ray Ban, Oakley, Dolce & Gabana, Tommy Hilfiger, Vera Wang, Kate Spade, Ted Baker, and Elle. The Weatherford Eyecare Center’s Fashion Optical Team […]

    Continue Reading January 7, 2015

  • 01/28/15 – Free LASIK Consultation

    For Immediate Release :  Weatherford Eyecare Center – January 6, 2015 The Weatherford Eyecare Center is proud to welcome representatives from nJoy Vision, OKC to the office for free LASIK consultations.  In order to be considered for most vision correction options, you must be at least 18 years of age and have maintained a stable glasses or contact lens […]

    Continue Reading January 7, 2015

  • We know you are sweet, but how are your sugars?

    Importance of Dilated Eye Exams Oklahoma Association of Optometric Physicians – 2015 Press Release Diabetic retinopathy is a condition occurring in persons with diabetes, which causes progressive damage to the retina, the light sensitive lining at the back of the eye. It is a serious sight-threatening complication of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that interferes with […]

    Continue Reading January 2, 2015

  • Take this Quiz – Are You at Risk for Diabetes?

    Preventive task force issues new diabetes recommendation A new draft recommendation on diabetes screenings posted by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) could change the way health care professionals tackle the debilitating disease going forward. “Optometrists should ask all of their patients with any risk factors…if they have been screened for diabetes and prediabetes.” Posted on Oct. 6, […]

    Continue Reading November 21, 2014

  • Watering Eyes this Winter?

    What causes dry eyes? The natural beauty of autumn and winter seasons is here.  We see the vibrant colors of the foliage and feel the crisp air blanket our homes and communities.  All of this beauty may bring tears to your eyes.  But wait a minute. You’re not crying, you have dry eyes! Have you ever […]

    Continue Reading October 16, 2014

  • Keep Your Eyes Safe at Home

    We have the latest options for safety eyewear.  Whether you are on the job in the oildfield or changing the oil of your vehicle at home, safety is key.  If you or someone in your family experiences an eye injury, please contact our team of eye specialists as soon as possible at (580) 772-2819.

    Continue Reading September 29, 2014