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Procedures & Surgeries

Our optometric physician at the Weatherford Eyecare Center provides treatment and consultation for these correction surgeries and procedures.

Eye and vision correction is a general term used to describe a variety of optometric techniques for correcting less-than-perfect vision. For your convenience, we have included a brief description of some of the most common eye and vision correction procedures offered.

Implantable Contact Lenses

The Visian ICL™ (Implantable Collamer Lens) is an advanced soft-material lens composed of 100% biocompatible collagen copolymer. It provides not only UV protection and permanent vision correction, but also a quality of vision that is sharper, clearer, and more vivid than that what one can achieve with glasses or contacts.

Additionally, unlike LASIK, the Visian ICL is removable if necessary and the procedure does not permanently alter the shape of your cornea.



LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) is a surgical procedure that uses a laser beam to reshape the cornea. Patients who are nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatic may benefit from this type of procedure.

While millions of patients have seen successful results from LASIK, the procedure is not right for everyone. Your optometrist will need to thoroughly examine your eyes to determine which type of vision correction best fits your needs.

Corneal Reshaping (Orthokeratology)

Orthokeratology is a procedure for correcting myopia (nearsightedness) and mild astigmatism by gently reshaping the cornea with special contact lenses, which the patient places in his or her eyes overnight.

When successful, patients will experience clear vision during the day without contact lenses or eyeglasses. However, the results are temporary, so the patient must continue to wear the lenses regularly at night to maintain optimum results.

Scheduling specialists are standing by.  Schedule an appointment online with us, and we will be in touch with you promptly.